Anyone for Pork? 🐷 

About 11 years ago, we bought our beloved Sookie some pigs ears as a treat. She’d never had them before an we were sure she’d love them.

When I got home with them, she was out the back playing with the neighbours dog, so I forgot all about giving them to her.

About an hour later she came breezing in the back door to walk towards me (I was standing in the hall) In order to do so, she had to pass through the dining room, a path she had taken hundreds of times……but this time, 2 strides in the door the CRAZIEST thing happened. It looked like she’d gotten an electric shock. She BOLTED towards me, YELPING and sliding all over the tiles with her tail firmly between her legs. I couldn’t understand what had happened??!! The only time I’d ever seen her close to such a state was during a thunder and lightening storm, but today was a lovely cool summers evening, no sign of stormy weather.

I called Alan in to help me investigate and after about 15mins once we’d calmed her down, I remembered the pigs ears that I’d earlier purchased and decided to give her one as a treat. I had left them on the dining table when I came home. It was only then we realised that THEY were the source of the problem when out the door she sped with no looking back!

Fast forward to present day, 11yrs later and I get the below text from Linda…..i NEED to know how common this is? Our old Sooks AND 2 Pups from Gias second litter with the same fear??? TELL ME there aren’t the only 3!!??

2 Comments Add yours

  1. scifihammy says:

    That is an odd reaction to a smell I assume they hadn’t come across before? But shows their noses are working just fine 🙂
    Little Monkey will eat Anything – except lettuce! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. camparigirl says:

    These dogs are ridiculously good looking! Can’t stop looking at their pics

    Liked by 1 person

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